Wednesday 26 July 2017

end of my degree life


sedar tak sedar,pejam celik pejam celik dah habis degree. Tinggal nak convo je huhuhu...

Alhamdulillah soon i will be graduated !!! Yeyeyeyyey *moji menari nari sikit*

Thanks to Allah for always giving me that kecemerlangan. sometimes i struggle sometimes i prefer laying down on my bed.but He always help me. Alhamdulillah. Nothing can describe my feeling yuhuuu...

Yeah me is sooooo happy after 4 years eh naa plus 1 year struggle i make it at last. Alhamdulillah !!!

Here are my epic cronolgy of mine as Industrial Chemical Technology student :

Year 1

during that year i was struggling with my feeling + life. i have to accept that i was no longer as dentistry student. i tried my very best to redha what has written for me. Allah knows what is the best for me. and of course I never blame myself ! gahahaha full of confidence.

I tried to make a bigger circle of my friend. yeah at that time many of them asking me why why why tak dapat pergi pandan. Lol !! tak layak sebab MUET faham tak?hahaha pakk ahh emo.

Year 2

slow slow i adapted myself and this time i enjoy myself as a student. I started to live with another friends that i never imagined that i will love them so much just like right now. we got to know each other.

thank you guys for letting me know all of you. its such a bless for me. I always pray for our friendship last longer than we expect.

Year 3

hihihi the most happy year I think ! *moji gatal gatal sikit*

I started to know what is love *yaks muntah hijau punya moji* (dont worry no one interested to read this kind of busuk blog)

people said

                 "Jangan benci benci nanti lama lama boleh jadi suka"

at first i never believe this kind of saying. dah kalau tak suka dah benci sampai mati pun takkan suka.
ya Allah riak lagi takbur kau kan?

then suddenly it happen to me !! makkk kauuu. and I happy !! dah cukuplah tu.

Year 4

yeyeyeye final year of mine. time ni tak sabar nak tulis hashtag #roadtoconvo

during this time i was struggling for final exam + fyp + internship (sum up 2 sem lahhh)

haaa time intern duduk rumahh tauu. just imagine how i struggle to adapt my life with my family..bukan tak suka duduk ngan family. yelah since form 1 dok asrama. paling lama dalam rumah 3 bulan. tu pun cuti-cuti malaysia. time intern fully 6 months. dengan kene bangun pagi nak elak jammed.  erghhh its soooo sooo stressful for me.. tak suka bangi sebab jammed. hehehhe

Now (waiting...... #roadtoconvo)

by right now, im sitting in post grad room...yeahhh i decided to further my study. it is soooo jauh menyimpang dengan my planning..

my planning was i want to go for industry first and work for 2 years then take master terus ke phD. at first nak further in pharmaceutical industry.yelahhhh dah lahh tak dapat jadi medic student. dapat kenal ubat pun jadi lah hahhahahaha

then, i dont know how i make up my mind to continue in membrane technology. its soooo new to me..takpelah kita hadap jelah kann. do pray for me (lahh alik alik kau juga yg baca sendiri post ni hahahahahha)

by now i still struggling in studies. hahhaahaha and i believe nothing in this world is easy. everyone has their own difficulties. hewhewhew.

banyak naa struggle kau kannn hahahahahaa. dah tu that word is sooo bommbb to me

thankkk youuu my lifee..

(i write down this post is actually to boost up my motivation)